加拿大多数大学都提供Master of Economics专业。有些学校要求GRE,有些不需要。今天我们来看几所需要GRE的学校对于GRE的要求。

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麦吉尔大学McGill University官方说明原文: If you do not have an undergraduate or graduate degree from a Canadian university, you must take the Graduate Record Examination (General Test) OR If you have obtained a degree from a Canadian university but the degree was obtained over three years ago the GRE test is required. 非加拿大本科毕业生必须提交GRE。加拿大本科毕业生,如果已经毕业三年以上了,也要提交GRE.

卡尔顿大学Carleton University官方说明原文: You can apply for the M.A. program without submitting Graduate Record Examination (GRE) scores. However, it is recommended that applicants with degrees from universities outside Canada (especially from very different university systems) take the GRE so as to enable a more accurate assessment of their backgrounds. 可以没有GRE,但是建议在加拿大以外的国家完成本科学习的学生提交GRE成绩。尤其是那些教育体制不同的国家。

还有很多学校不需要GRE, 例如约克大学York University, 劳里埃大学Wilfrid Laurier University, 布鲁克大学Brock University, 温莎大学University of Windsor, 渥太华大学University of Ottawa, 圣玛丽大学Saint Mary University, 曼尼托巴大学University of Manitoba, 康考迪亚大学Concordia University等等。


1. 本文发布时间为2016年11月。院校申请信息随时会有变动,请申请者务必以学校官网为准,或在申请前向硕果儿顾问确认!

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